Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Help make the new CD a reality!

Bringing new chamber music to your ears by way of some of the best musicians in the world is very expensive.....click on the ChipIn widget below to help us succeed against the major record labels' lack of interest in promoting this kind of music. Everyone who contributes - whatever the amount - gets his or her name in the liner notes......contributors of $25 or more will have a signed copy of the new Navona Records CD of chamber music by David Gaines and John Bilotta mailed to them as soon as it's available this coming spring (it will also be available as a digital download). Your contribution (via credit card, debit card, or your checking account) is 100% encrypted and secure.

If you can help spread the word,click the "Copy" button on the widget below to create a widget for your own website or blog!

Thank you very much for your generosity, interest, and support of living composers.

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